Stellar Objects in this image
Note: positive radial velocities indicated objects moving away from us.
Blue flux is measured at 440nm, green at 500nm, and red at 700nm.
Units are:
- Positions: degrees
- Flux: W/nm/m2
- Parallax: arcsec
- Radial Velocity: km/s
- Variable: unitless (=1 if variable, =0 if not)
Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):
- Fluxes: 1%
- Positions: 0.0001 degrees
- Parallaxes: 0.001 arcseconds
- Radial Velocities: 0.03km/s
Click here to download the star data in .csv format, suitable for loading into python or matlab!
Distant Galaxies in this image
Note: positive radial velocities indicated objects moving away from us.
Blue flux is measured at 440nm, green at 500nm, and red at 700nm.
Units are:
- Positions: degrees
- Flux: W/nm/m2
- Size: arcseconds
- Radial Velocity: km/s
Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):
- Fluxes: 1%
- Positions: 0.0001 degrees
- Sizes: 10%
- Radial Velocities: 0.1km/s
Click here to download the distant galaxy data in .csv format, suitable for loading into python or matlab!