bioassay_mle.m | bioassay_mle.r | bioassay.jl | Bioassay example: computing the MLE. |
gamrand.m | gamrand.r | Julia's in-built | Gamma random number generator. |
bioassay_bayes.m | bioassay_bayes.r | bioassay_bayes.jl | Bioassay example: Bayesian inference using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. |
affair.csv | - | - | Dataset for the extramarital affairs example. |
probit_mle.m | probit_mle.r | probit_mle.jl | Extramarital affairs example: computing the MLE. |
probit_bayes.m | probit_bayes.r | probit_bayes.jl | Extramarital affairs example: Bayesian inference using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. |
margeff.m | margeff.r | margeff.jl | Extramarital affairs example: Estimation of the marginal effects. |
tnormrnd.m | tnormrnd.r | Julia's in-built | Truncated normal random number generator. |
probit_bayes_gibbs.m | probit_bayes_gibbs.r | probit_bayes_gibbs.jl | Extramarital affairs example: Bayesian inference using the Gibbs sampler. |