pvalsim.m pvalsim.r pvalsim.jl P-value estimation via Monte Carlo sampling.
kolsmirweib.m kolsmirweib.r kolsmirweib.jl Kolmogorov-Smirnov example for the Weibull distribution.
gausthetakde.m gausthetakde.r gausthetakde.jl Kernel density estimation example. Uses kde.m.
kde.m kde.r ThetaKDE.jl The theta kernel density estimator.
resampcauchy.m resampcauchy.r resampcauchy.jl Resampling Cauchy data. Uses kde.m
resampratio.m resampratio.r resampratio.jl Resampling for ratio estimation. Uses kde.m
stepstone.m stepstone.r stepstone.jl Stepping stone example.
indepsamp.m indepsamp.r indepsamp.jl Independence sampler example. Uses theta kde
rwsamp.m rwsamp.r rwsamp.jl Random walk sampler example. Uses theta kde
gibbssamp.m gibbssamp.r gibbssamp.jl Gibbs sampler example. Uses theta kde
