pvalsim.m | pvalsim.r | pvalsim.jl | P-value estimation via Monte Carlo sampling. |
kolsmirweib.m | kolsmirweib.r | kolsmirweib.jl | Kolmogorov-Smirnov example for the Weibull distribution. |
gausthetakde.m | gausthetakde.r | gausthetakde.jl | Kernel density estimation example. Uses kde.m. |
kde.m | kde.r | ThetaKDE.jl | The theta kernel density estimator. |
resampcauchy.m | resampcauchy.r | resampcauchy.jl | Resampling Cauchy data. Uses kde.m |
resampratio.m | resampratio.r | resampratio.jl | Resampling for ratio estimation. Uses kde.m |
stepstone.m | stepstone.r | stepstone.jl | Stepping stone example. |
indepsamp.m | indepsamp.r | indepsamp.jl | Independence sampler example. Uses theta kde |
rwsamp.m | rwsamp.r | rwsamp.jl | Random walk sampler example. Uses theta kde |
gibbssamp.m | gibbssamp.r | gibbssamp.jl | Gibbs sampler example. Uses theta kde |