A novel approach to semi-supervised statistical machine learning.
(with S. Lee (UQ)).
$410,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2023-2025.
Classification methods for providing personalised and class decisions
(with S. Lee (UQ) and H. Nguyen (La Trobe)).
$342,194. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2018-2021.
ARC Training Centre for Innovation in Biomedical Imaging Technology
(with D. Reutens (Director),
M. Barth,
K. Thurecht,
R. Bhalla,
I. Frazer,
M.-L. Verreynne,
A. Janke,
A. Jenkins,
V. Vegh,
I. Blakey,
and Partner Investigators.
Funded by the Australian Research Council;
additional $3,800,000 funded by Industry, 2017-2021.
Power Quality Monitoring of Grids with High Penetration of Power Converters
(with F. Zare (UQ), T. Saha (UQ), and D. Eghbal (ENERGEX LTD)).
$270,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2017-2020.
Expanding the Role of Mixture Models in Statistical Analyses of Big Data
(with Professor Angus Ng, School of Medicine, Griffith University).
Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2017-2019.
Targeting Complement in Post-Traumatic Epileptogenesis
(with D. Reutens, M. Chen, M. Ruitenberg, C.-W. Vogel,
T. Woodruff, A. Pitkkanen, and B. Battersby.
Funded by the US Department of Defence Epilepsy Research Program - Idea Development Award,
Large-Scale Statistical Inference: Multiple Testing.
$281,100. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2015-2017.
Gene Expression Profiling in Critically Ill Patients with Septic Shock: The ADRENAL-GEPS Study
(with D. Evans (UQ), B. Venkatesh (UQ), J. Powell (UQ), J. Myburgh (UNSW), S. Finfer (U Sydney),
and J. Cohen (UQ)). $834,270. Funded by the National Health & Medical Research Council, 2015-2017.
Advanced Mixture Models for the Analysis of Modern-Day Data.
$473,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2014-2016.
Joint Clustering and Matching of Multivariate Samples Across Objects
(with Dr Angus Ng, School of Medicine,
Griffith University).
$360,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2012-2014.
System to Synapse
(with Dr AL Janke (UQ), Dr J Ullmann (UQ), Dr NA Hamilton (UQ),
Dr IM Brereton (UQ), Professor DC Reutens (UQ),
Professor GJ Galloway (UQ), and Dr JA Ross (Perkin Elmers, Pty Ltd)).
$174,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2013-2015.
A New Approach to Fast Matrix Factorization for the Statistical Analysis
of High-Dimensional Data (with Dr Angus Ng, School of Medicine,
Griffith University).
$340,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2011-2013.
Mixture Models for High-Dimensional Clustering with Applications to Tumour Classification,
Network Intrusion, and Text Classification (with Dr Angus Ng, Department of
Mathematics, UQ).
$220,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2008-2010.
Multivariate Methods for the Analysis of Microarray Gene-Expression Data
with Applications to Cancer Diagnostics (with Dr Angus Ng, Department of
Mathematics, UQ, and Dr. Alex Ng, Department of
Medicine, Harvard University).
$895,099. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2007-2011.
Diagnostics for Mixture Regression Models: Applications for Public Health
(with Dr A Lee and Dr V Burke,
School of Public Health, Curtin University of Technology).
$124,500. Funded by the National Health
& Medical Research Council, 2007-2008.
Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics (with
MA Ragan (Director), TL Bailey, K Burrage, Y-P Chen,
MR Fellows, M Hegland,
M Langston, JS Mattick, BJ Marsh, PA Moscato,
S Ranganathan, I Rigoutsos, A Rodrigo, RD Teasdale, and X Zhou).
Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2008-2010.
Associate Investigator on Noncoding RNAs as Prognostic Markers and
Therapeutic Targets in Breast Cancer (with Professor J. Mattick, Institute
for Molecular Bioscience, UQ, and
Dr M. Brown, School of Molecular & Microbial Sciences, UQ). $528,500.
Funded by the National Health & Medical Research Council, 2007-2009.
Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre in Bioinformatics (with
MA Ragan (Director), TL Bailey, K Burrage, Y-P Chen,
MR Fellows, SM Grimmond, JS Hallinan, M Hegland,
P Kodali, BJ Marsh, PA Moscato, RM Muhlberger, BA Pailthorpe,
I Rigoutsos, RD Teasdale, and X Zhou).
Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2004-2007.
Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre for Complex Systems (ACCS).
(with PA Lindsay (Director), HA Abbass, DA Abramson, P Adams,
K Burrage, K Deb, RG Dromey, J Foster, DG Green, IJ Hayes,
SM Kaplan, R Neilson, BA Pailthorpe, PM Sanderson, J Quiggan,
and G Theraulaz).
Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2003-2007.
Resigned February, 2006.
Unsupervised Learning of Mixture Models in Data Mining Applications.
$165,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2003-2005.
Classification of Microarray Gene-Expression Data
(with Professor K.E. Basford, School of Land and Food, UQ).
$129,813. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2003-2005.
Hierarchical finite mixture modelling of health outcomes: a risk-adjusted
random effects approach (with Dr. A. Lee, School of Public Health,
Curtin University of Technology and Dr. K. Yau, Department of Management
Sciences, University of Hong Kong).
$110,000. Funded by the National Health
& Medical Research Council, 2003-2004.
Development of market driven computational biology infrastructure for
advanced education and training (with Dr. R. Brandon,
Associate Professor P. Timms, Dr. R. Brandon, Mr. S. Hendriks,
Professor B. Pham, Professor E. Douglas, and Professor D. Wyatt)
$244,350. Funded by the Innovation Access Program, 2003-2004.
On Algorithms for the Automatic Analysis and Segmentation of
Correlated Images (with Dr. D. Wang, CMR, UQ and Professor P. Smyth,
Department of Information and Computer Science, UCI).
$155,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2000-2002.
The Classification of Multiply Observed Features in Terms of Fitted
Densities (with Professor K.E. Basford, School of Land and Food, UQ; Professor
C.E. McLaren, Department of Medicine, UCI; Professor P. Smyth, Department
of Information and Computer Science, UCI).
$163,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2000-2002.
A Clustering Algorithm for Use in Data mining.
$14,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 2000.
Artificial Neural Networks and the EM Algorithm.
$150,572. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 1999-2001.
On Mixture Regression Models with Constrained Components
for Application to Failure Data on Heart Valves.
$19,333. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 1999.
Robust Cluster Analysis.
$17,200. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 1998.
The Analysis of Plant Adaptation Data with Emphasis
on Unbalanced Sets. (with Professor K.E. Basford, School of Land and Food, UQ).
$144,000. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 1997-1999.
On Mixture Models in Medical Imaging.
$6,840. Funded by the Australian Research Council, 1997.