R package: EMMIXcskew 0.9-3 (EMMIX-cskew) Installation: 1. Download the zip file and unzip the file into your working directory. 2. There are two files: EMMIXcskew_0.9-3.zip, for Windows EMMIXcskew-manual.pdf, the manual of functions 3. For Windows users, a binary package can be installed using R GUI menu. Packages -> Install package(s) from local zip files ... -> select EMMIXcskew_0.9-3.zip Alternatively, type 'util::menuInstallLocal()' in R console and select EMMIXcskew_0.9-3.zip. Application: 4. In R, type library(EMMIXcskew) to load the package. 5. Follow the examples on the manual.