Some Photos
The 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics Working Group) on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018).
Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), Tokyo, 2017.
Visit to the University of Bologna after COMPSTAT 2016
Visit to the 2014 Joint Conference of the NZ Statistical Association and Operations Research Society of NZ
The 59th ISI World Statistics Congress (2013), Hong Kong, China.
The 28th Edition of the International Meeting of the International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM) 2013.
5th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics, Oviedo, Spain (December, 2012).
Workshop 2 on Meeting the Challenges of High Dimension: Statistical Methodology, Theory and Applications, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, the National University of Singapore (October, 2012).
International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics 2012, Bangkok, Thailand (June, 2012)
International Conference on Data Mining, Vancouver (December, 2011).
Joint Meeting of the 2011 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and the 7th Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC
, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei (December, 2011); see also
conference photo and lectures
Opening Ceremony of the AMSI (Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute) Winter School, University of Queensland, Brisbane (July 2011)
The 4th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Gold Coast (July, 2009)
Speakers and discussants in the Invited Session on Critical evaluation of statistical methods proposed for microarray analysis, XXIVth International Biomertic Society Meeting, Dublin (July, 2008)
Workshop on Future Directions in High-Dimensional Data Analysis: new methodologies, new data types and new applications, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (June, 2008)
Workshop on Inference and Estimation in Probabilistic Time-Series Models, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (June, 2008)
Workshop on High-Dimensional Statistics in Biology, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (March - April 2008)
Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operational Research, Valladolid, Spain (September, 2007)
KNEMO Workshop, Anacapri (September, 2006)
Compstat 2006, Rome (August, 2006)
University of Waikato Workshop, New Zealand (April, 2006)
Florence Conference(May, 2005)
Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications Workshop I: Statistical Methods for Gene Expression: Microarrays and Proteomics (September/October, 2003)
Brno Workshop: Perspectives in Modern Statistical Inference (August, 2002)
ANU Microarray Workshop (July 2002)
Mixtures 2001