The page gives a list of known mistakes in the first edition of A Portable Introduction to Data Analysis.

The mistakes are classified as being either simple typos or real mathematical errors.

9 Math The footnote contains an error, 26=128, but fixing this would then be inconsistent with the above figure. The rule used for the histograms is actually to chose the smallest number of bins, B, such that 2Bn.
16 Typo Second line: "recored" should be "recorded"
28 Typo "There is actually a collection...".
"should include most observations".
46 Typo In caption for Figure 2.1.3, "Side-by-side dot plot".
53 Typo Second paragraph: "it is easier"
57 Typo First line: "correspond to a decrease"
60 Typo In b1 formula, second mean is of y, not yj
64 Typo In Table 2.3.1, Male/Hazel count should be 7, not 14, and Male/Black should be 4, not 11. (See Table A.1.10)
68 Math The estimated probability function is correct (for male) but is not what you get when you rearrange the log odds equation. Using that equation for p = P(male) gives b0 = -30.513 and b1 = 0.176 instead.
86 Typos/Math In second last line, "Since someone". In last line, "prtest positive" should be "P(test positive)". The result is also incorrect; the answer should be 0.074708.
92 Typo In first paragraph, biassurvey bias should just be bias. In third paragraph of 3.5.1, "Chapter" should be "chapter".
102 Typo In 2nd paragraph, "theoretical interest".
103 Math In 2nd paragraph, 62.46 inches should be 65.798 inches.
121 Typo In 2nd paragraph, "population and calculating".
129 Typo Missing bracket from standard error of sample proportion formula.
132 Typo Various "pr" should all be "P".
133 Typo Last line: "Getting 10 heads would be"
134 Typo First paragraph: "unusual just by chance" and "This is still quite small"
135 Math Weights example: standard error is 3.83 kg, not 7.67 kg. This changes z value to -1.08 (instead of -0.54) and P-value to 0.140 (instead of 0.295). Two-sided P-value is then 0.280, about a 1 in 4 chance.
149 Typo Last line: "walk in the room is a pretty wide bet."
150 Math Cavendish sample mean, with 2 extra places, is 5.4835. These extra places are needed to get the t value of -0.84 on p.151.
153 Typo In "var" equation, "E" should be "var".
155 Typo "we know they difference" should be "we know the difference" (2nd paragraph of 5.3.2).
156 Math In last equation, fraction should be "-7.2/1.15 = -6.27". This carries on to CI example on p.157: replace all 1.32 by 1.15.
158 Typo "inxxhypothesis test!two means" should not be there. (It is an indexing command.)
167 Typo sd formula should have "+" between the two variances. Formula below it is "se", not "sd".
174 Typo "Their expected values of these are" should be "Their expected values are"
179 Typo Caption for Figure 7.4.2 should read "Normal plot of height residuals".
201 Typo They played 108 tracks
203 Math P-value is between 0.1 and 0.05.
206 Typo In third line, "sires" should be "sites".
207 Typo -5.552 is (-5.55)2
208 Typo Caption for Table 9.2.4 should read "Expected counts of eye colours".