13. Creating Formulas

Question 1

E(Y) = E(X1 + ... + Xn) = E(X1) + ... + E(Xn) = μ + ... + μ = nμ.

Assuming the Xj are all independent,

var(Y) = var(X1) + ... + var(Xn) = = σ2 + ... + σ2 = nσ2.

Thus sd(Y) = √n σ.


Question 2

The distribution for X given by Table 11.1 is just the Binomial(3, 0.5) distribution. Using the formulas from Section 13.3 we find

E(X) = 3 × 0.5 = 1.5, and

sd(X) = √(3 × 0.5 × 0.5) = √0.75 = 0.866.

Of course these are the same as the values obtained from Table 11.1 using the original definitions of expected value and standard deviation.