SuperCOSMOS ########### We have two local programs that let you download stuff directly with command-line instructions without going to the web pages: /home/mjd/bin/geturl_cat -catalogue queries /home/mjd/bin/geturl_image -image downloads CATALOGUE ######### The options are as follows ra - in J2000 or B1950 colon separated 23:22:10.1 dec - in J2000 or B1950 colon separated -23:22:10.1 equinox - 1 or 2 equinox of supplied RA/DEC 1=B1950 2=J2000 default is set to J2000 outequinox - 1 or 2 equinox of outputted coords 1=B1950 2=J2000 default is set to J2000 waveband - 1-5 primary waveband 1=UKJ 2=UKR 3=UKI 4=ESOR 5=PAE default is UKJ x - size of extracted area in RA in arcmins muber be > 0.02 y - size of extracted are in DEC in acrmin, if 0 or not set, circle of radius x extracted bright - bright mag limit default set to 0.0 faint - faint mag limit default set to 25 outepoch - epoch of output positions default=0.0 which means ecpoch of plate i.e. not corrected. purge - 1=objects purged in overlap regions,0=all objects kept, default 1 subset - 1=susbet of parameters output 0=full parameters output, default 1 blend - 0-3 deafult is 0 0 Discard parent images of deblends 1 Discard child images of deblends 2 Include parent and child images of deblends 3 Keep only unblended images (ie. discard parents & children) quality - objects with quality > value not extracted default 2047 pair - pairing radius 3 or 6 arcsec default=3 calib - calibration 1- colour corret 0-no corrcetion default is 1 new options will be enabled to calibrate everything as galaxies etc form - 1-3 1=ascii 2=tab list 3=fits table default=1 plot - if yes gives ps finder unless values are supplied defaults are assumed so geturl_cat "ra=00:00:00&dec=-65:00:00&x=1" > out.txt would be the simplest incantation. s are assumed so geturl_cat "ra=00:00:00&dec=-65:00:00&x=1&plot=yes" > would get you the finder or you could get more complicated geturl_cat "ra=00:00:00&dec=-65:00:00&x=8&y=8&bright=13&faint=15&waveband=2&form=2&purge=0& blend=3" etc Things to be aware of: the options bright and faint are applied to the primary waveband, quality and blend have to be satisfied across all bands that the object appears on; unfortunately parents are not paired across the wavebands. If not objects are found you get back an (html based) error message. As mentioned above we hope to expand the calib option to include calibrate all objects as galaxies etc. We're not ready for our "ultimate" galaxy calibraion but I agreed to set something up for Marianne to allow her to access the existing galaxy calibrated magnitudes for all objects. If you're happy to use geturl you can add the calib=4 or 5 to the query string calib=0 no color correction objects calibrated acoording to type in each waveband calib=1 as 0 but color corrected mags calib=2 all objects calibrated as if stellar calib=3 as 2 but color corrected calib=4 all objects calibrated as if galaxies calib=5 as 4 but color corrected I did a few tests and it seems to get sensible results but please do a few sanity checks. IMAGES ###### geturl_image "ra=07:23:53.799&dec=-46:47:56.83&x=1&y=1&waveband=1" > temp.fits waveband=1 UKJ, 2 UKR, 3 UKI NOTE: SuperCOSMOS images are multi-extension FITS format; to get the image in IRAF you would do specify exntension zero by "[0]": cl> display out.fits[0] 1 Note that the catalogues attached to the FITS images are as before in that they are a mix are stellar and galaxian (calib=1) and have hardwired quality thresholds etc built in so will not necessarily contain the same number of objects as those retrieved using any of the object catalogue interfaces.