b-invariant measures for level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes

Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G.

Abstract: We shall consider the problem of identifying the b-invariant measures and hence the quasistationary distributions of an absorbing level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death process (QBD), that is, an absorbing Markov chain with a block-tridiagonal transition matrix P. We examine successive lower truncations of P, obtained by removing rows and columns corresponding to levels.

The crucial factors in our technique are the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue tex2html_wrap_inline173 of a fundamental matrix and the sequence tex2html_wrap_inline175 of convergence norms of the successive lower truncations: tex2html_wrap_inline177 is the convergence norm of the transient class. We construct a tex2html_wrap_inline167 -invariant measure for all tex2html_wrap_inline181 . When tex2html_wrap_inline183 , we show that a QBD admits one of two types of tex2html_wrap_inline167 -invariant measure: which type depends on whether tex2html_wrap_inline187 or tex2html_wrap_inline189 . Together with a knowledge of whether tex2html_wrap_inline191 or tex2html_wrap_inline193 , this is sufficient to give the tex2html_wrap_inline195 -classification of the process.

Keywords: Quasi-birth-and-death process; tex2html_wrap_inline167 -invariant measures. Quasi-birth-and-death process.

Acknowledgement: This worked was funded by the Australian Research Council.

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