
Phil Pollett

Department of Mathematics
The University of Queensland

There is an accompanying paper:

Pollett, P.K. (2001) Similar Markov chains. Journal of Applied Probability 38A (to appear).

From that paper:

"I was introduced to David Vere-Jones' work by another of my mentors, Charles Pearce, whose lively undergraduate lectures on the Vere-Jones theory did much to convince me that I should follow a probability path. David's work has been a constant source of inspiration to me and I continue to benefit from our fruitful and enjoyable collaborations. I am grateful to him personally for his advice, encouragement and friendship over many years and I therefore take great pleasure in dedicating this short note to him."

From those lectures:


Convergence of Markov transition probabilities and their spectral properties

1. Vere-Jones, D. Geometric ergodicity in denumerable Markov chains. Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. 2 13 (1962) 7-28.

2. Vere-Jones, D. On the spectra of some linear operators associated with queueing systems. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Gebiete 2 (1963) 12-21.

3. Vere-Jones, D. Ergodic properties of nonnegative matrices. I. Pacific J. Math. 22 (1967) 361-386.

4. Vere-Jones, D. Ergodic properties of nonnegative matrices. II. Pacific J. Math. 26 (1968) 601-620.

Classification of transient Markov chains and quasi-stationary distributions

5. Seneta, E.; Vere-Jones, D. On quasi-stationary distributions in discrete-time Markov chains with a denumerable infinity of states. J. Appl. Probability 3 (1966) 403-434.

6. Vere-Jones, D. Some limit theorems for evanescent processes. Austral. J. Statist. 11 (1969) 67-78.

Related work

7. Vere-Jones, D.; Kendall, David G. A commutativity problem in the theory of Markov chains. Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen. 4 (1959) 97-100.

8. Vere-Jones, D. A rate of convergence problem in the theory of queues. Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 9 (1964) 104-112.

9. Vere-Jones, D. Note on a theorem of Kingman and a theorem of Chung. Ann. Math. Statist. 37 (1966) 1844-1846.

10. Heathcote, C. R.; Seneta, E.; Vere-Jones, D. A refinement of two theorems in the theory of branching processes. Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 12 (1967) 341-346.

11. Rubin, H.; Vere-Jones, D. Domains of attraction for the subcritical Galton-Watson branching process. J. Appl. Probability 5 (1968) 216-219.

12. Seneta, E.; Vere-Jones, D. On the asymptotic behaviour of subcritical branching processes with continuous state space. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Gebiete 10 (1968) 212-225.

13. Fahady, K. S.; Quine, M. P.; Vere-Jones, D. Heavy traffic approximations for the Galton-Watson process. Advances in Appl. Probability 3 (1971) 282-300.

14. Pollett, P. K.; Vere-Jones, D. A note on evanescent processes. Austral. J. Statist. 34 (1992), no. 3, 531-536.

Important early work on quasi-stationary distributions

Yaglom, A.M. Certain limit theorems of the theory of branching processes (Russian) Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 56 (1947) 795-798.

Bartlett, M.S. Deterministic and stochastic models for recurrent epidemics. Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1954-1955, Vol. IV, pp. 81-109. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1956.

Bartlett, M.S. Stochastic population models in ecology and epidemiology. Methuen's Monographs on Applied Probability and Statistics Methuen & Co., Ltd., London; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1960.

Darroch, J. N.; Seneta, E. On quasi-stationary distributions in absorbing discrete-time finite Markov chains. J. Appl. Probability 2 (1965) 88-100.

Darroch, J. N.; Seneta, E. On quasi-stationary distributions in absorbing continuous-time finite Markov chains. J. Appl. Probability 4 (1967) 192-196.

Important early work on quasi-stationary distributions

Mandl, Petr Sur le comportement asymptotique des probabilités dans les ensembles des états d'une chaîne de Markov homogène (Russian) Casopis Pest. Mat. 84 (1959) 140-149.

Mandl, Petr On the asymptotic behaviour of probabilities within groups of states of a homogeneous Markov process (Czech) Casopis Pest. Mat. 85 (1960) 448-456.

Ewens, W.J. The diffusion equation and a pseudo-distrib-ution in genetics. J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser B 25 (1963) 405-412.

Kingman, J.F.C. The exponential decay of Markov transition probabilities. Proc. London Math. Soc. 13 (1963) 337-358.

Ewens, W.J. The pseudo-transient distribution and its uses in genetics. J. Appl. Probab. 1 (1964) 141-156.

Seneta, E. Quasi-stationary distributions and time-rever-sion in genetics. (With discussion) J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 28 (1966) 253-277.

Seneta, E. Quasi-stationary behaviour in the random walk with continuous time. Austral. J. Statist. 8 (1966) 92-98.


Setting: tex2html_wrap_inline659, a time-homogeneous Markov chain taking values in a countable set S with transition probabilities


Let C be any irreducible and (for simplicity) aperiodic class.

DVJ1: For tex2html_wrap_inline667, tex2html_wrap_inline669 as tex2html_wrap_inline671. The limit tex2html_wrap_inline673 does not depend on i and it satisfies tex2html_wrap_inline677. Moreover, tex2html_wrap_inline679 and indeed, for tex2html_wrap_inline681, tex2html_wrap_inline683, where tex2html_wrap_inline685.

(If C is recurrent, tex2html_wrap_inline689 implies tex2html_wrap_inline691. When C is transient, we can have tex2html_wrap_inline691, or, tex2html_wrap_inline697, which is called geometric ergodicity.)

DVJ2: For any real r>0, the series tex2html_wrap_inline701, tex2html_wrap_inline681, converge or diverge together; in particular, they have the same radius of convergence R, and tex2html_wrap_inline707. And, all or none of the sequences tex2html_wrap_inline709 tend to zero.

Figure 1. Simulation of a metapopulation model.

(Download the following image (as postscript)):

Figure 2. State transition diagram for
epidemic model.

(Download the following image (as postscript)):

Figure 3. Simulation of the epidemic model
[Simulation | java code]

(Download the following image (as postscript)):

Figure 4. Auto-catalytic reaction simulation
[Simulation | java code]

(Download the following image (as postscript)):

Figure 5. Quasistationarity of an explosive population process
[Simulation | java code]


The key to unlocking this "quasi-stationarity" is to examine the behaviour of the transition probabilities at the radius of convergence R.

Suppose that C is transient class which is geometrically ergodic ( tex2html_wrap_inline697, R>1). Although tex2html_wrap_inline719, it might be true that tex2html_wrap_inline721, where tex2html_wrap_inline723. How does this help?

For tex2html_wrap_inline681,


provided that we can justify taking limit under summation.

DVJ3: C is said to be R-transient or R-recurrent according as tex2html_wrap_inline733 converges or diverges. If C is R-recurrent, then it is said to be R-positive or R-null according to whether the limit of tex2html_wrap_inline743 is positive or zero.

DVJ4: If C is R-recurrent, then, for tex2html_wrap_inline667, the inequalities


have unique positive solutions tex2html_wrap_inline753 and tex2html_wrap_inline755 and indeed they are eigenvectors:


C is then R-positive recurrent if and only if tex2html_wrap_inline763, in which case


and, if tex2html_wrap_inline767, then



S-DVJ: If C is R-positive recurrent and the left-eigenvector satisfies tex2html_wrap_inline767, then the limiting conditional (or quasi-stationary) distribution exists: as tex2html_wrap_inline671,



Other kinds of QSD, more general and more precise statements, continuous-time chains, general state spaces, numerical methods and in particular truncation methods, MCMC, countless applications of QSDs: chemical kinetics, population biology, ecology, epidemiology, reliability, telecommunications. A full bibliography is maintained at my web site:

(Download the following image (as postscript)):

Figure 6. Surface plot of the quasistationary distribution
for the epidemic model


New setting: tex2html_wrap_inline783, a time-homogeneous Markov chain in continuous time taking values in a countable set S, with transition function tex2html_wrap_inline787, where


Assuming that tex2html_wrap_inline791 (standard), the transitions rates are defined by tex2html_wrap_inline793. Set tex2html_wrap_inline795 and assume tex2html_wrap_inline797 (stable).

Definition: Two such chains X and tex2html_wrap_inline801 are said to be similar if their transition functions, P and tex2html_wrap_inline805, satisfy tex2html_wrap_inline807, tex2html_wrap_inline809, t>0, for some collection of positive constants tex2html_wrap_inline813, tex2html_wrap_inline809.

Immediate consequences of the definition: Since both chains are standard, tex2html_wrap_inline817 and the transition rates must satisfy tex2html_wrap_inline819, in particular, tex2html_wrap_inline821. They share the same irreducible classes and the same classification of states.

Birth-death chains: Lenin et al.gif proved that for birth-death chains the "similarity constants" must factorize as tex2html_wrap_inline823. (Note that tex2html_wrap_inline825, since tex2html_wrap_inline817.)

Is this true more generally?

Definition: Let C be a subset of S. Two chains are said to be strongly similar over C if tex2html_wrap_inline835, tex2html_wrap_inline681, t>0, for some collection of positive constants tex2html_wrap_inline841, tex2html_wrap_inline843.

Proposition: If C is recurrent, then tex2html_wrap_inline847.

(Proof: tex2html_wrap_inline849.)


Kingman: If C is irreducible, then, for each tex2html_wrap_inline681, tex2html_wrap_inline855 ( tex2html_wrap_inline857 ), tex2html_wrap_inline859, for some tex2html_wrap_inline685, et cetera.

Definition: C is said to be tex2html_wrap_inline865-transient or tex2html_wrap_inline865-recurrent according as tex2html_wrap_inline869 converges or diverges. If C is tex2html_wrap_inline865-recurrent, then it is said to be tex2html_wrap_inline865-positive or tex2html_wrap_inline865-null according to whether the limit of tex2html_wrap_inline879 is positive or zero.

Theorem: If C is tex2html_wrap_inline865-recurrent, then, for tex2html_wrap_inline667, the inequalities


have unique positive solutions tex2html_wrap_inline753 and tex2html_wrap_inline755 and indeed they are eigenvectors:


C is then tex2html_wrap_inline865-positive recurrent if and only if tex2html_wrap_inline763, in which case


Suppose that P and  tex2html_wrap_inline805 are similar. They share the same tex2html_wrap_inline865 and the same "tex2html_wrap_inline865-classification".

Theorem: If C is a tex2html_wrap_inline865-positive recurrent class, then P and  tex2html_wrap_inline805 are strongly similar over C. We may take tex2html_wrap_inline921, where  tex2html_wrap_inline753 and  tex2html_wrap_inline925 are the essentially unique tex2html_wrap_inline865-invariant measures (left eigenvectors) on C for P and for  tex2html_wrap_inline805, respectively.

Proof: Let tex2html_wrap_inline935 in tex2html_wrap_inline937. We get, in an obvious notation,


and, since tex2html_wrap_inline817, we have tex2html_wrap_inline943.

Again: Are similar chains always strongly similar?

In the tex2html_wrap_inline865-null recurrent case, it may still be possible to deduce the desired factorization, for, although tex2html_wrap_inline947, it may be possible to find a tex2html_wrap_inline949 such that tex2html_wrap_inline951 tends to a strictly positive limit. (Similar chains will have the same tex2html_wrap_inline953.)

Lemma: Assume that C is tex2html_wrap_inline865-null recurrent and suppose that there is a tex2html_wrap_inline949, which does not depend on i and j, such that tex2html_wrap_inline951 tends to a strictly positive limit  tex2html_wrap_inline967 for all tex2html_wrap_inline681. Then, there is a positive constant d such that tex2html_wrap_inline973, tex2html_wrap_inline681, where  tex2html_wrap_inline753 and  tex2html_wrap_inline755 are, respectively, the essentially unique tex2html_wrap_inline865-invariant measure and vector (left- and right-eigenvectors) on C for P.

Remark: Even in the tex2html_wrap_inline865-transient case it might still be possible to find a tex2html_wrap_inline949 such that tex2html_wrap_inline951 tends to a positive limit, and for the conclusions to the lemma to hold good. (Note that, by the usual irreducibility arguments, tex2html_wrap_inline953 will be the same for all i and j in any given class.)