Yoni Nazarathy: Consulting

Yoni Nazarathy has over 15 years of industry engagement experience.
Previously he was working in semi-conductor, aerospace
 and traditional industries; now he is a full time academic.
He is an expert at connecting theory to practice; is this what your business needs?


o   Operations Research

§  Deterministic optimization

§  Stochastic optimization and discrete event simulation

§  Control theory, decision theory and stochastic modelling

o   Probability and statistics

§  Statistical analysis of data

§  Industrial statistics and statistical process control

§  Congestion management and analysis (queueing theory and traffic engineering)

o   Software and systems engineering

§  Real-time software development (C/C++)

§  Distributed communication systems engineering (design, protocols and testing)

§  Advanced algorithms

o   Education, communication and exposition

§  Specialized courses and one-on-one training for special professionals

§  Technical and ``white paper’’ writing

§  Facilitating the connection of theory and practice

§  Coaching individuals or groups for success