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Fred Roosta 

Fred Roosta


  • Professor
  • School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland, Australia
  • Email:
  • Office: Priestley Building (67) - Room 754
  • Phone: +61 7 336 53259

Selected Talks


  • Foundation of Computational Mathematics (FoMC 2023)

    Paris, France (June, 2023)

  • SIAM Conference on Optimization (SIOPT 2023)

    Seattle, Washington, USA (June, 2023)

  • SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23)

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands (March, 2023)


  • Mathematics of Complex Data (MathDataLab)

    Stockholm, Sweden (June, 2022)


  • Workshop on the Intersections of Computation and Optimisation (WICO)

    Virtual Conference, Australia (November, 2021)

  • Variational Analysis & Optimization Webinar

    Australia  (November, 2021)

  • INFORMS Annual Meeting

    Virtual Conference (October, 2021)

  • SIAM Conference on Optimization (SIOPT 2021)

    Virtual Conference , USA (July, 2021)

  • International Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization (EUROPT 2021)

    Hybrid Conference, Toulouse, France (July, 2021)

  • SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE21)

    Virtual Conference (March, 2021)


  • INFORMS Annual Meeting

    Virtual Conference , USA (November, 2020)

  • Institute for Data and Decision Analytics (Chinese University of Hong Kong in Shenzhen)

    Remote presentation, Shenzhen, China (May, 2020)


  • Simons Institute (Reunion Workshop for the Foundations of Data Science program)

    Berkeley, California, USA (December, 2019)

  • INFORMS Annual Meeting

    Seattle, Washington, USA (October, 2019)

  • European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH)

    Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands (October, 2019)

  • DIMACS Workshop on Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra, Statistics, and Optimization (DIMACS)

    Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA (September, 2019)

  • International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT 2019)

    Berlin, Germany (August, 2019)

  • AMSI Optimise

    Perth, Australia (June, 2019)


  • INFORMS Annual Meeting

    Phoenix, Arizona (November, 2018)

  • Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications - Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing

    Berkeley, California (September, 2018)

  • Foundations of Data Science Boot Camp- Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing

    Berkeley, California (August, 2018)

  • International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP)

    Bordeaux, France (July, 2018)

  • International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta)

    Hong Kong (June, 2018)

  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)

    Lanzarote, Canary Islands (April, 2018)

  • International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing (HPSC)

    Hanoi, Vietnam (March, 2018)


  • SIAM Annual Meeting

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (July, 2017)

  • Matrix Program on Computational Inverse Problems

    Creswick, Australia (June, 2017)

  • SIAM Conference on Optimization

    Vancouver, Canada (May, 2017)

  • SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering

    Atlanta, Georgia (February, 2017)


  • Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics)

    Seville, Spain (December, 2016)

  • Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (SCAIM Seminar)

    Vancouver, British Columbia (September, 2016)

  • Institute of Applied Mathematics (IAM)

    Vancouver, British Columbia (September, 2016)

  • SAMSI Program on Optimization (Invited Plenary Talk)

    Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (August, 2016)

  • Recent Advances in Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra

    National Institute of Informatics, Shonan Village Center, Japan (July, 2016)

  • Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets (MMDS)

    Berkeley, California (June, 2016)

  • SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification

    EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (April, 2016)


  • Sparse Representations, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Optimization

    BIRS, Alberta (October, 2014)

  • SIAM Conference on Optimization

    San Diego, California (May, 2014)


  • Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (SCAIM Seminar)

    Vancouver, British Columbia (November, 2013)