The page gives a list of known issues in the second edition of A Portable Introduction to Data Analysis, revised 30th June 2003 (purple cover). These corrections were made for the edition revised 12th December 2003.

The errata are classified as being explanatory notes, simple typos or real mathematical errors.

If you find an error in the book then email


10 Typo "they claim to weigh 49 kg"
11 Typo "These do not seem physically plausible"
17 Typo "it isn't affected much by values far from the middle"
117 Typo "The sample mean x = 69.00 kg is close to the population mean." (delete was)
123 Typo Missing period at end of 2nd last paragraph
171 Typo "the one-sided alternative H1"
179 Typo Caption to Table 34.2 should be "Counts of fake tanning lotion use and sunburn".
187 Typo "Suppose though we want to predict"
191 Typo tanh-1 should be arctanh.
212 Typo statisticsfor should be statistics for (in caption to Table 44.1)