Welcome to the third edition of A Portable Introduction to Data Analysis.

This is a major revision of the textbook, including new examples throughout, exercises at the end of each section, and new data sets at the back of the book, now grouped by the topic of the study. The book also includes additional mathematical background, particularly on important tools such as logarithms.

A minor revision, correcting all known errors, was completed in January 2005.

This third edition is no longer generally available. Limited copies of the A5 and A8 versions are available directly from m.bulmer@uq.edu.au.


A limited printing of an A8 version of the textbook is now available.

Data Sets

You can copy the data sets directly for use in OStats.


Visit the page of errata to read about any notes or mistakes for the third edition.

If you find an error in the book then email m.bulmer@uq.edu.au. The first person to report each error will receive a Freddo Frog. (If it is a mathematical error then you get a filled Freddo!)