Phil Pollett's Research Pages


Research Communications

Published work ...

1980-84 ...

Pollett, P.K. (1981) Some Distributional Approximations for Networks of Queues. J.T. Knight Prize Essay, The University of Cambridge.

Pollett, P.K. (1982) Distributional Approximations for Networks of Queues. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Cambridge.

Brown, T.C. and Pollett, P.K. (1982) Some distributional approximations in Markovian networks. Advances in Applied Probability 14, 654-671.

Kelly, F.P. and Pollett, P.K. (1983) Sojourn times in closed queueing networks. Advances in Applied Probability 15, 638-656.

Pollett, P.K. (1984) Distributional approximations for networks of quasi-reversible queues. In (Eds. D. Williams and A. Truman) Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1095, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 108-129.

Pollett, P.K. (1984) Residual life approximations in general queueing networks. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 20, 41-54.

1985-89 ...

Pollett, P.K. (1985) Altering the q-matrix: the problem of varied arrival rates. In (Eds. E.A. Cousins and C.E.M. Pearce) Proceedings of the 7th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research, pp. 206-234.

Pollett, P.K. (1985) Discussion of the Papers by Dr Kelly, Dr Mitrani and Professor Whittle. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 47, 415-428.

Pollett, P.K. (1986) Some Poisson approximations for departure processes in general queueing networks. Statistics 17, 393-405.

Pollett, P.K. (1986) Connecting reversible Markov processes. Advances in Applied Probability 18, 880-900.

Pollett, P.K. (1986) On the equivalence of m-invariant measures for the minimal process and its q-matrix. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 22, 203-221.

Pollett, P.K. (1986) Analysis of response times and optimal allocation of resources in message and packet switched networks. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research 3, 134-149.

Parsons, R.W. and Pollett, P.K. (1987) Quasistationary distributions for some autocatalytic reactions. Journal of Statistical Physics 46, 249-254.

Pollett, P.K. (1987) A new method for estimating the performance of a communications network using simulation. Bulletin of the Australian Society for Operations Research 7, 6-9.

Pollett, P.K. (1987) Preserving partial balance in continuous-time Markov chains. Advances in Applied Probability 19, 431-453.

Pollett, P.K. (1987) On the long-term behaviour of a population that is subject to large-scale mortality or emigration. In (Ed. S. Kumar) Proceedings of the 8th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research, pp. 196-207.

Pollett, P.K. (1988) Monte Carlo estimation of blocking probabilities in circuit-switched networks. In (Ed. G.K. Rand) Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Federation of Operations Research Societies, Elsevier (North-Holland).

Pollett, P.K. (1988) Reversibility, invariance and m-invariance. Advances in Applied Probability 20, 600-621.

Pollett, P.K. (1988) A method involving antithetic sampling for estimating blocking probabilities in a circuit-switched network. Australian Telecommunication Research 22, 39-44.

Pollett, P.K. (1988) On the problem of evaluating quasistationary distributions for open reaction schemes. Journal of Statistical Physics 53, 1207-1215.

Pakes, A.G. and Pollett, P.K. (1989) The supercritical birth, death and catastrophe process: limit theorems on the set of extinction. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 32, 161-170.

Pollett, P.K. (1989) The generalized Kolmogorov criterion. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 33, 29-44.

1990-94 ...

Pollett, P.K. (1990) A note on the classification of Q-processes when Q is not regular. Journal of Applied Probability 27, 278-290.

Pollett, P.K. (1990) On a model for interference between searching insect parasites. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B 32, 133-150.

Pollett, P.K. and Roberts, A.J. (1990) A description of the long-term behaviour of absorbing continuous-time Markov chains using a centre manifold. Advances in Applied Probability 22, 111-128.

Brown, T.C. and Pollett, P.K. (1991) Poisson approximations for telecommunications networks. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B 32, 348-364.

Pollett, P.K. (1991) Invariant measures for Q-processes when Q is not regular. Advances in Applied Probability 23, 277-292.

Pollett, P.K. (1991) On the construction problem for single-exit Markov chains. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 43, 439-450.

Pollett, P.K. (1991) Modelling random fluctuations in a bistable telecommunications network. In (Ed. P. Hutton) Proceedings of the 11th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research, pp. 11-22.

Pollett, P.K. (1991) Monte Carlo simulation of some finite-state Markovian models. In (Ed. D.G. Mayer) Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Simulation Society of Australia, pp. 154-167.

Pollett, P.K. (1991) Diffusion approximations for a circuit switching network with random alternative routing. Australian Telecommunication Research 25, 45-52.

Henderson, W., Pearce, C.E.M., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (1992) Connecting internally balanced quasireversible Markov processes. Advances in Applied Probability 24, 934-959.

Pollett, P.K. (1992) Modelling random fluctuations in a bistable telecommunications network. In (Ed. W. Henderson) Proceedings of the 7th Australian Teletraffic Research Seminar, Teletraffic Research Centre, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, pp. 335-345.

Pollett, P.K. and Vassallo, A. (1992) Diffusion approximations for some simple chemical reaction schemes. Advances in Applied Probability 24, 875-893.

Pollett, P.K. and Vere-Jones, D. (1992) A note on evanescent processes. The Australian Journal of Statistics 34, 531-536.

Nair, M.G. and Pollett, P.K. (1993) On the relationship between m-invariant measures and quasistationary distributions for continuous-time Markov chains. Advances in Applied Probability 25, 82-102.

Pollett, P.K. (1993) Modelling the long-term behaviour of evanescent ecological systems. In (Ed. M. McAleer) Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia, Perth, Vol. 1, pp. 157-162.

Pollett, P.K. (1993) Recent advances in the theory and application of quasistationary distributions. In (Eds. S. Osaki and D.N.P. Murthy) Proceedings of the 1st Australia-Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models in Engineering, Technology and Management, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 477-486.

Pollett, P.K. (1993) Analytical and computational methods for modelling the long-term behaviour of evanescent random processes. In (Eds. D.J. Sutton, C.E.M. Pearce and E.A. Cousins) Decision Sciences: Tools for Today, Proceedings of the 12th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research, Australian Society for Operations Research, Adelaide, pp. 514-535.

Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (1993) On the problem of establishing the existence of stationary distributions for continuous-time Markov chains. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 7, 529-543.

Pollett, P.K. (1994) On the identification of continuous-time Markov chains with a given invariant measure. Journal of Applied Probability 31, 897-910.

Pollett, P.K. and Stewart, D.E. (1994) An efficient procedure for computing quasistationary distributions of Markov chains with sparse transition structure. Advances in Applied Probability 26, 68-79.

1995-99 ...

Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Zheng, X. (1995) Dual constructions for pure-jump Markov processes. Markov Processes and Related Fields 1, 513-558.

Pollett, P.K. (1995) The determination of quasistationary distributions directly from the transition rates of an absorbing Markov chain. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 22, 279-287.

Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (1996) The quasistationary distributions of homogeneous quasi-birth-and-death processes. In (Eds. Richard J. Wilson, D.N. Pra Murthy and Shunji Osaki) Proceedings of the 2nd Australia-Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models in Engineering, Technology and Management, Technology Management Centre, The University of Queensland, pp. 44-55.

Elmes, S., Pollett, P.K. and Walker, D. (1996) On the relationship between m-invariant measures and quasistationary distributions for absorbing continuous-time Markov chains when absorption is not certain. In (Eds. Richard J. Wilson, D.N. Pra Murthy and Shunji Osaki) Proceedings of the 2nd Australia-Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models in Engineering, Technology and Management, Technology Management Centre, The University of Queensland, pp. 131-140.

Hart, A.G. and Pollett, P.K. (1996) Direct analytical methods for determining quasistationary distributions for continuous-time Markov chains. In (Eds. C.C. Heyde, Yu V. Prohorov, R. Pyke and S.T. Rachev) Athens Conference on Applied Probability and Time Series Analysis, Volume I: Applied Probability, In Honour of J.M. Gani, Lecture Notes in Statistics 114, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 116-126.

Hart, A.G. and Pollett, P.K. (1996) New methods for determining quasistationary distributions for Markov chains. In (Eds. Richard J. Wilson, D.N. Pra Murthy and Shunji Osaki) Proceedings of the 2nd Australia-Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models in Engineering, Technology and Management, Technology Management Centre, The University of Queensland, pp. 177-186.

Pollett, P.K. (1996) Modelling the long-term behaviour of evanescent ecological systems. Ecological Modelling 86, 135-139.

Bean N.G., Bright, L., Latouche, G., Pearce, C.E.M., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (1997) The quasistationary behaviour of quasi-birth-and-death processes. The Annals of Applied Probability 7, 134-155.

Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. (1997) Improved fixed point methods for loss networks with linear structure. In (Ed. W.J. Lavery) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Telecommunications, Vol. 3, Office of Continuing Education, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1411-1416.

Kijima, M., Nair, M.G., Pollett, P.K. and van Doorn, E. (1997) Limiting conditional distributions for birth-death processes. Advances in Applied Probability 29, 185-204.

Pollett, P.K. (1997) Limiting conditional distributions for stochastic metapopulation models. In (Eds. A.D. McDonald and M. McAleer) Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 2, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia, Hobart, Australia, pp. 807-812.

Pollett, P.K. (1997) Optimal allocation of effort in packet switching networks with generally distributed transmission times. In (Eds. J. Hullett and D. Sampson) Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Cummunications, Vol. 3, IREE Society of Australia, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1489-1493.

Roberts, G.O., Jacka, S.D. and Pollett, P.K. (1997) Non-explosivity of limits of conditioned birth and death processes. Journal of Applied Probability 34, 35-45.

Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (1998) The quasistationary distributions of level-independent quasi-birth-and-death processes. Stochastic Models 14 (Special Issue in Honour of Marcel Neuts), 389-406.

Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. (1998) Two-link approximation schemes for linear loss networks without controls. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 35, 539-557. [Errata (faulty figures in the original) Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 35, 1061-1063.]

Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. (1999) Product form approximations for highly linear loss networks with trunk reservation. In (Eds. Richard J. Wilson, Shunji Osaki and M.J. Faddy) Proceedings of the 1st Western Pacific and 3rd Australia-Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models in Engineering Technology and Management, Centre for Statistics, University of Queensland, pp. 45-54.

Coolen-Schrijner, P. and Pollett, P.K. (1999) Quasi-stationarity of discrete-time Markov chains with drift to infinity. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1, 81-96.

Pollett, P.K. (1999) Quasistationary distributions for continuous time Markov chains when absorption is not certain. Journal of Applied Probability 36, 268-272.

Pollett, P.K. (1999) Modelling quasi-stationary behaviour in metapopulations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 48, 393-405.

Pollett, P.K. (1999) Bottlenecks in Markovian queueing networks. In (Ed. E. Kozan) Proceedings of the 15th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research, Vol. 2, Queensland University of Technology, pp. 1047-1056.

Pollett, P.K. (1999) Quasistationarity in populations that are subject to large-scale mortality or emigration. In (Eds. Les Oxley, Frank Scrimgeour and Anthony Jakeman) Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 3, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hamilton, New Zealand, pp. 667-672.

Pollett, P.K. and Thompson, M.R. (1999) The analysis of continuous-time Markovian models using expected rates. In (Eds. Richard J. Wilson, Shunji Osaki and M.J. Faddy) Proceedings of the 1st Western Pacific and 3rd Australia-Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models in Engineering Technology and Management, Centre for Statistics, University of Queensland, pp. 456-465.

2000-04 ...

Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (2000) The quasistationary distributions of level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes. Stochastic Models 16, 511-541.

Coolen-Schrijner, P., Hart, A.G. and Pollett, P.K. (2000) Quasistationarity of continuous-time Markov chains with positive drift. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B 41, 423-441.

Darlington, S.J. and Pollett, P.K. (2000) Quasistationarity in continuous time Markov chains where absorption is not certain. Journal of Applied Probability 37, 598-600.

Elmes, S., Pollett, P.K. and Walker, D. (2000) Further results on the relationship between m-invariant measures and quasistationary distributions for absorbing continuous-time Markov chains. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 31, 107-113.

Hart, A.G. and Pollett, P.K. (2000) New methods for determining quasistationary distributions for continuous-time Markov chains. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 31, 143-150.

Pollett, P.K. (2000) Modelling congestion in closed queueing networks. International Transactions in Operational Research 7, 319-330.

Pollett, P.K. (2000) Resource allocation in general queueing networks. In (Ed. A. Ohuchi) Putting OR/MS Theory into Real Life: Proceedings of the 2nd Joint International Workshop of the Operations Research Society of Japan the Australian Society for Operations Research, Operations Research Society of Japan, Sapporo, Japan, pp. 221-228.

Clancy, D., O'Neill, P.D. and Pollett, P.K. (2001) Approximations for the long-term behaviour of an open-population epidemic model. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 3, 75-95.

Pollett, P.K. (2001) Resource allocation in general queueing networks with applications to data networks. In Operations Research in the Third Millenium, Proceedings of the 16th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research (Optimization Day), The University of Adelaide (Available on CD).

Pollett, P.K. (2001) Quasistationarity in populations that are subject to large-scale mortality or emigration. Environment International 27, 231-236.

Pollett, P.K. (2001) Similar Markov chains. Journal of Applied Probability 38A, 53-65.

Pollett, P.K. (2001) Diffusion approximations for ecological models. In (Ed. Fred Ghassemi) Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Vol.2, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra, Australia, pp. 843-848.

Thompson, M.R. and Pollett, P.K. (2001) A reduced load approximation accounting for link interactions in a loss network. In Operations Research in the Third Millenium, Proceedings of the 16th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research, The University of Adelaide (Available on CD).

Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. (2002) Two-link approximation schemes for loss networks with linear structure and trunk reservation. Telecommunication Systems 19, 187-207.

Pollett, P.K. (2002) Identifying Q-processes with a given finite m-invariant measure. In (Eds. Zhenting Hou, Jerzy A. Filar and Anyue Chen) Markov Processes and Controlled Markov Chains, Kluwer, pp. 41-55 (ISBN: 978-1-4613-7968-3 (Print) 978-1-4613-0265-0 (Online)).

Pollett, P.K. and Stefanov, V.T. (2002) Path integrals for continuous-time Markov chains. Journal of Applied Probability 39, 901-904.

Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. (2003) Product form approximations for highly linear loss networks with trunk reservation. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 38, 1147-1156.

Cairns, B.J. and Pollett, P.K. (2003) Evaluating persistence times in populations that are subject to local catastrophes. In (Ed. David A. Post) Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 2, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Townsville, Australia, pp. 747-752.

Clancy, D. and Pollett, P.K. (2003) A note on quasi-stationary distributions of birth-death processes and the SIS logistic epidemic. Journal of Applied Probability 40, 821-825.

Pollett, P.K. (2003) Integrals for continuous-time Markov chains. Mathematical Biosciences 182, 213-225.

Pollett, P.K. and Stefanov, V.T. (2003) A method for evaluating the distribution of the total cost of a random process over its lifetime. In (Ed. David A. Post) Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Vol 4, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Townsville, Australia, pp. 1863-1867.

Pollett, P.K. and Thompson, M.R. (2003) A new method for analysing the equilibrium and time-dependent behaviour of Markovian models. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 38, 1409-1418.

Thompson, M.R. and Pollett, P.K. (2003) A reduced load approximation accounting for link interactions in a loss network. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 7, 229-248.

Cairns, B.J. and Pollett, P.K. (2004) Extinction times for a general birth, death and catastrophe process. Journal of Applied Probability 41, 1211-1218.

Chen, A., Pollett, P.K., Zhang, H. and Li, J. (2004) The collision branching process. Journal of Applied Probability 41, 1033-1048.

Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (2004) Forward to "Festschrift in Honour of Daryl Daley", Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 46, 3.

Pollett, P.K. and Zhang, H. (2004) Existence and uniqueness of Q-processes with a given finite m-invariant measure. In (Eds. Philip K. Pollett and Peter G. Taylor) Festschrift in Honour of Daryl Daley, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 46, 113-120.

2005-09 ...

Cairns, B.J. and Pollett, P.K. (2005) Approximating measures of persistence in a general class of population processes. Theoretical Population Biology 68, 77-90.

Chen, A., Pollett, P.K., Zhang, H. and Cairns, B. (2005) Uniqueness criteria for continuous-time Markov chains with general transition structures. Advances in Applied Probability 37, 1056-1074.

Gray, B., Pollett, P.K. and Zhang, H. (2005) On the existence of uni-instantaneous Q-processes with a given finite m-invariant measure. Journal of Applied Probability 42, 713-725.

Pollett, P.K. and Ross, J.V. (2005) Costs and decisions in population management: koalas on Kangaroo Island. In (Eds. Zerger, A. and Argent, R.M.) Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM05), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2005, pp. 2082-2088 (ISBN: 0-9758400-2-9).

Ross, J.V. and Pollett, P.K. (2006) Extinction times for a birth-death process with two phases. Mathematical Biosciences 202, 310-322.

Ross, J.V., Taimre, T. and Pollett, P.K. (2006) On parameter estimation in population models. Theoretical Population Biology 70, 498-510.

Chen, A., Pollett, P.K., Li, J. and Zhang, H. (2007) A remark on the uniqueness of weighted Markov branching processes. Journal of Applied Probability 44, 279-283.

Pagendam, D.E. and Pollett, P.K. (2007) Optimal sampling and problematic likelihood functions in a simple population model. In (Eds. Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D.) Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM07), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2946-2952.

Pollett, P.K. (2007) Ensemble behaviour in population processes with applications to ecological systems. In (Eds. Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D.) Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM07), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2903-2909.

Pollett, P.K. and Ross, J.V. (2007) Preface to "Management, Control and Decision Making for Ecological Systems", Ecological Modelling 201, 1.

Pollett, P.K., Zhang, H. and Cairns, B.J. (2007) A note on extinction times for the general birth, death and catastrophe process. Journal of Applied Probability 44, 565-569.

Ross, J.V. and Pollett, P.K. (2007) On costs and decisions in population management. Ecological Modelling 201, 60-66.

Ross, J.V., Taimre, T. and Pollett, P.K. (2007) Estimation for queues from queue length data. Queueing Systems 55, 131-138.

Sani, A., Kroese, D.P. and Pollett, P.K. (2007) Stochastic models for the spread of HIV in a mobile heterosexual population. Mathematical Biosciences 208, 98-124.

Sirl, D., Zhang, H. and Pollett, P.K. (2007) Computable bounds for the decay parameter of a birth-death process. Journal of Applied Probability 44, 476-491.

Flegg, M.B., Pollett, P.K. and Gramotnev, D.K. (2008) Ehrenfest model for the condensation and evaporation processes in degrading aggregates with multiple bonds. Physical Review E 78, 031117. [Also appeared in Volume 18, Issue 12 of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.]

Lesmono, D., Pollett, P.K., Tonkes, E.J. and Burrage, K. (2008) A note on the existence and uniqueness of a bounded mean-reverting process. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 14, 83-93.

Ross, J.V., Sirl, D.J., Pollett, P.K. and Possingham H.P. (2008) Metapopulation persistence in a dynamic landscape: more habitat or better stewardship? Ecological Applications 18, 590-598.

Van Doorn, E.A. and Pollett, P.K. (2008) Survival in a quasi-death process. Linear Algebra and its Applications 429, 776-791.

Buckley, F.M. and Pollett, P.K. (2009) Analytical methods for a stochastic mainland-island metapopulation model. In (Eds. Anderssen, R.S., Braddock, R.D. and Newham, L.T.H.) Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, pp. 1767-1773.

Chan, D.C., Pollett, P.K. and Weinstein, M.C. (2009) Quantitative risk stratification in Markov chains with limiting conditional distributions. Medical Decision Making 29, 532-540.

Pagendam, D.E. and Pollett, P.K. (2009) Optimal sampling and problematic likelihood functions in a simple population model. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 14, 759-767.

Pagendam, D.E. and Pollett, P.K. (2009) Robust optimal observation of a metapopulation. In (Eds. Anderssen, R.S., Braddock, R.D. and Newham, L.T.H.) Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, pp. 1781-1787.

Pollett, P.K. (2009) Ensemble behaviour in population processes with applications to ecological systems. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 14, 545-553.

Pollett, P.K. (2009) Optimal capacity assignment in general queueing networks. In (Eds. Charles Pearce and Emma Hunt) Optimization: Structure and Applications, Springer Optimization and its Applications Series, Vol. 32, pp. 261-272 (ISBN: 978-0-387-98095-9 (Print) 978-0-387-98096-6 (Online)).

Ross, J.V., Pagendam, D.E. and Pollett, P.K. (2009) On parameter estimation in population models II: multi-dimensional processes and transient dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 75, 123-132.

Ross, J.V. and Pollett, P.K. (2009) Rules of thumb for metapopulation management. In (Eds. Anderssen, R.S., Braddock, R.D. and Newham, L.T.H.) Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, pp. 1795-1801.

Van Doorn, E.A. and Pollett, P.K. (2009) Quasi-stationary distributions for reducible absorbing Markov chains in discrete time. Markov Processes and Related Fields 15, 191-204.

2010-14 ...

Barbour, A.D. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Total variation approximation for quasi-equilibrium distributions. Journal of Applied Probability 47, 934-946.

Buckley, F.M., Nicol, S. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Preface to "Selected papers on Modelling and Control of Metapopulation Networks". Ecological Modelling 221, 2512-2514.

Buckley, F.M. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Limit theorems for discrete-time metapopulation models. Probability Surveys 7, 53-83.

Buckley, F.M. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Analytical methods for a stochastic mainland-island metapopulation model. Ecological Modelling 221, 2526-2530.

Chen, A., Pollett, P.K., Li, J. and Zhang, H. (2010) Markovian bulk-arrival and bulk-service queues with state-dependent control. Queueing Systems 64, 267-304.

Chen, A., Pollett, P.K., Li, J. and Zhang, H. (2010) Uniqueness, extinction and explosivity of generalised Markov branching processes with pairwise interaction. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 12, 511-531.

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Limits of large metapopulations with patch dependent extinction probabilities. Advances in Applied Probability 42, 1172-1186.

Pagendam, D.E. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Locally optimal designs for the simple death process. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140, 3096-3105.

Pagendam, D.E. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Robust optimal observation of a metapopulation. Ecological Modelling 221, 2521-2525.

Pollett, P.K., Dooley, A.H. and Ross, J.V. (2010) Modelling population processes with random initial conditions. Mathematical Biosciences 223, 142-150.

Ross, J.V. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Simple rules for ranking and optimally managing metapopulations. Ecological Modelling 221, 2515-2520.

Jovanović, D., McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2011) Fault modelling using a mixture of conditional Gaussian transitions. In (Ed. Argyrios Zolotas) Proceedings of the 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, IEEE, June 2011, pp. 473-478.

Jovanović, D. and Pollett, P.K. (2011) Fault diagnosis using consensus of Markov chains. In (Eds. Georg Frey and Felix Felgner) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems, IEEE, June 2011, pp. 65-71.

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2011) Interaction between habitat quality and an Allee-like effect in metapopulations. In (Eds. Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S.) Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2011), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 2254-2260 (ISBN: 978-0-9872143-1-7).

Barbour, A.D. and Pollett, P.K. (2012) Total variation approximation for quasi-equilibrium distributions, II. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 122, 3740-3756.

Kravchuk, O.Y. and Pollett, P.K. (2012) Hodges-Lehmann scale estimator for Cauchy distribution. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 41, 3621-3632.

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2012) The limiting behaviour of a mainland-island metapopulation. Journal of Mathematical Biology 64, 775-801.

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2012) A central limit theorem for a discrete-time SIS model with individual variation. Journal of Applied Probability 49, 521-530.

Weiss, C.H. and Pollett, P.K. (2012) Chain binomial models and binomial autoregressive processes. Biometrics 68, 815-824.

Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K., Ross, J.V. and Taylor, P.G. (2013) Preface to "Modelling for Decision Making in Ecological Systems", Ecological Modelling 249, 1-2.

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2013) Interaction between habitat quality and an Allee-like effect in metapopulations. Ecological Modelling 249, 84-89.

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2013) The limiting behaviour of a stochastic patch occupancy model. Journal of Mathematical Biology 67, 693-716.

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2013) The deterministic limit of a stochastic logistic model with individual variation. Mathematical Biosciences 241, 109-114.

Pagendam, D.E. and Pollett, P.K. (2013) Optimal design of experimental epidemics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 143, 563-572.

Van Doorn, E.A. and Pollett, P.K. (2013) Quasi-stationary distributions for discrete-state models. Invited paper. European Journal of Operational Research 230, 1-14.

Cope, R.C., Lanyon, J.M, Seddon, J.M. and Pollett, P.K. (2014) Development and testing of a genetic marker-based pedigree reconstruction system `PR-genie' incorporating size-class data. Molecular Ecology Resources 14, 857-870.

Froyland, G., Pollett, P.K. and Stuart, R.M. (2014) A closing scheme for finding almost-invariant sets in open dynamical systems. Journal of Computational Dynamics 1, 135-162.

Jovanović, D. and Pollett, P.K. (2014) Distributed fault diagnosis using consensus of unobservable Markov chains. In (Eds. Honglei Xu and Xiangyu Wang) Optimization and Control Methods in Industrial Engineering and Construction, Springer Series on Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, Vol. 72, pp. 85-105 (ISBN: 978-94-017-8043-8 (Print) 978-94-017-8044-5 (Online)).

McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2014) The limiting behaviour of Hanski's incidence function metapopulation model. Journal of Applied Probability 51, 297-316.

Smith, A., McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2014) A model for a spatially structured metapopulation accounting for within patch dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences 247, 69-79.

Weiss, C.H. and Pollett, P.K. (2014) Binomial autoregressive processes with density dependent thinning. Journal of Time Series Analysis 35, 115-132.

2015-19 ...

Barbour, A.D., McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2015) Connecting deterministic and stochastic metapopulation models. Journal of Mathematical Biology 71, 1481-1504.

Cope, R.C., Pollett, P.K., Lanyon, J.M. and Seddon, J.M. (2015) Indirect detection of genetic dispersal (movement and breeding events) through pedigree analysis of dugong populations in southern Queensland, Australia. Biological Conservation 181, 91-101.

McVinish, R., Pollett, P.K. and Chan, Y.S. (2016) A metapopulation model with Markovian landscape dynamics. Theoretical Population Biology 112, 80-96.

McVinish, R., Pollett, P.K. and Shausan A. (2016) Limiting the spread of disease through altered migration patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology 393, 60-66.

McVinish, R., Barbour, A.D. and Pollett, P.K. (2018) Local approximation of a metapopulation's equilibrium. Journal of Mathematical Biology 77, 765-793.

2020-24 ...

Hodgkinson, L., McVinish, R. and Pollett, P.K. (2020) Normal approximations for discrete-time occupancy processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 130, 6414-6444.

Pollett, P.K. (2022) [Abstract] Quasi-stationary distributions for queueing and other models. Queueing Systems 100, 241-243.

Pollett, P.K., Tafakori, L. and Taylor, P.G. (2022) A model for cell proliferation in a developing organism. Journal of Mathematical Biology 84 (Accepted 27 May 2022; Published online 25 June 2022)

Articles in schools magazines ...

Pollett, P.K. (1996) Bilby - an endangered species. Infinity 3.

Pollett, P.K. (1997) Busy highways. Infinity 4.

Pollett, P.K. (2003) Complex systems. Infinity 15.

Pollett, P.K. (2003) Life's games. Infinity 15.

Substantive book reviews ...

Pollett, P.K. (1984) Review of "Point Processes and Queues" by P. Bremaud, and "Queues and Point Processes" by P. Franken, D. Koenig, U. Arndt and V. Schmidt. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 16, 183-188.

Pollett, P.K. (1992) Review of "The Construction Theory of Denumerable Markov Processes" by Xiang-qun Yang. Annals of Probability 20, 549-552.

Technical reports ...

Pollett, P.K. (1986) Monte Carlo estimation of blocking probabilities in circuit-switched networks. Technical Report No. 19, Teletraffic Research Centre, The University of Adelaide.

Pollett, P.K. (1986) Analysis of response times and optimal allocation of resources in message and packet switched networks. Technical Report No. 20, Teletraffic Research Centre, The University of Adelaide.

Pollett, P.K. (1993) Some comments on "Optimal algorithms for minimal perfect hashing" by G. Havas and B.S. Majewski. Technical Report, Discipline of Mathematics, The University of Queensland.

Bebbington, M., Pollett, P.K. and Ziedins, I. (1998) Product form approximations for highly linear loss networks with trunk reservation. Report 98-02, Centre for Applied Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Analysis and Probability, The University of Queensland.

Pollett, P.K. and Stefanov, V.T. (2002) Path integrals for continuous-time Markov chains. Technical Report, Discipline of Mathematics, The University of Queensland.

Thompson, M.R. and Pollett, P.K. (2002) A fixed-point approximation accounting for link interactions in a loss network. Technical Report, Discipline of Mathematics, The University of Queensland.

Flegg, M.B. and Pollett, P.K. (2007) First passage time density for the Ehrenfest model. Technical Report, Discipline of Mathematics, The University of Queensland.

Van Doorn, E.A. and Pollett, P.K. (2007) Survival in a quasi-death process. Technical Report, Discipline of Mathematics, The University of Queensland.

Laub, P.J., Taimre, T. and Pollett, P.K. (2015) Hawkes Processes. Technical Report, Discipline of Mathematics, The University of Queensland.

Edited volumes ...

Pollett, P.K. and Taylor, P.G. (2004) Festschrift in Honour of Daryl Daley, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 46 (1) (ISSN: 1369-1473 (Print) 1467-842X (Online)).

Pollett, P.K. and Ross, J.V. (2007) Management, Control and Decision Making for Ecological Systems, Ecological Modelling 201 (1) (ISSN: 0304-3800 (Print)).

Buckley, F.M., Nicol, S. and Pollett, P.K. (2010) Selected papers on Modelling and Control of Metapopulation Networks, Ecological Modelling 221 (21) (ISSN: 0304-3800 (Print)).

Bean, N.G., Pollett, P.K., Ross, J.V. and Taylor, P.G. (2013) Modelling for Decision Making in Ecological Systems, Ecological Modelling 249 (1) (ISSN: 0304-3800 (Print)).

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